Your dreams, O years, How they penetrate through me!
-Walt Whitman
our friends paul and katrin came up to join matt's mom, him and myself for dinner. it was a present to paul from katrin for his birthday. however i think he figured it out before the date.

as there were 5 of us, 1 town car wouldn't quite work, so matt hired a limo for us for the night! what fun!
New Year's Eve is a very festive event at the herbfarm, and one that is not to be missed if you are a foodie, IMHO. everywhere one looks decorations and celebrations surround you, as evidenced below from the wine cellar.
and if you've been to the herbfarm and have attended the 'garden tour' (held inside during inclement weather) it doesn't exclude you this night, either.
[above left: carrie giving the garden tour over paul's shoulder; right: bunches of herbs]
[above: our place settings and table marker;
below: the room, chefs Nakamura, Weber, and Luce at work in the kitchen]
drum roll please.
A Menu For
The Moon and the Stars
New Year's Eve at The Herbfarm * Thursday, December 31, 2009 * 8 pm
course I: Seashore & Trio of Caviars
Oyster with Fennel-Vodka Mignonette Granite, American Sturgeon Caviar
Braised Pacific Manilla Clams with Guanciale, Seabean, Arctic Char Roe and Chives
Dungeness Crab and Salsify with Osetra Caviar
served with:

Champagne: Krug Grand Cuvee

4 glasses later i'm surprised i'm still able to take pictures! so far the dinner's a hit, but OMG that crab cake...
. we always have the wine flights that come with, but if you are a tea-totaler The Herbfarm does offer non-alcoholic spirits.- are they referred to as spirits? we asked michael if it would be possible to get 1 glass for the table to try of these, and they start in the next course. but 1st, before we can move ahead, we have introductions of the staff, and learn a little more about our meal from our Chef and sommelier.[above left: carrie introducing chef luce; above right: michael in his white jacket and chef luce discussing the menu; below left: paul enjoying the 1st course of his birthday/new year's eve dinner; right: tableware from the Herbfarm, er, Christofle Hotel??]
course II: Black Cod with White Truffles

Pacific Black Cod with a White Cauliflower Sauce, Fresh Sea Urchin Roe, Oregon White Truffles, and Mini Vegetables
served with
2008 Maison Couly-Dutheil, Chinon Blanc, "Les Chanteaux"

and then for the non alcoholic choice there was Peppermint and Jasmine Pearl with Elderflower.
our 1st bit of entertainment occurred after the 2nd course. Dame Jane Eaglen performed a few songs throughout the night. What an honor. She was there with her husband and another couple. her 1st selection was Lehar's aria "velia o velia"
course III: Sturgeon & Sweetbreads

Pan-roasted Columbia River Sturgeon with Crispy Sweetbread Cutlet, Creamy Blue Solaise Leeks and Micro Sorrel
served with
1005 Domaine Arnaud Ente, Meursault, "Les Petits Charrons"
the non alcoholic drink paired with this course was a Gewurztraminer Soda with Rhubarb and Ginger Syrup.
after this course we had another wonderful tune by Dame Eaglen. this time she sang "Santa Lucia" and Patricio accompanied her on his guitar. at 1 point through the night i went over to her table, introduced myself and of course let her know how much matt and i just loved her work. [for all who haven't a clue who she is, she's the top wagnerian opera soprano in the world. she has been seattle opera's brunnhilde in wagner's 'das ring der niebelungen' 2 of the past 3 productions i've seen, and she often takes various other roles in the regular seasons as she now lives here.] what i didn't tell her was that last spring when ron (owner of the herbfarm) posted that they had hired her for new years' eve i commented on his post letting him know to put us down for a table. THAT WAS 9 MONTHS AGO! we were the only ones on the NYE reservation list for probably 6 months. LOL anyway, i asked her if she'd mind coming over briefly at some point in the night and let us get a photo with her. She graciously thanked me and agreed.

course IV: Squab Duet
Seared Bernie Nash Squab Breast and Navarin of Squab Legs with Chestnut Honey, Black Trumpet Mushrooms, Bacon and Juniper
served with
1998 Vieux Telegraphe Chateauneauf-Du-Pape, "Le Crau"
and the non alcoholic drink was a Bay Tea with Quince, Sour Plum and Sour Cherry syrup
after the squab paul and katrin decided they wanted to feed the pics. ma decided she could skip that, and i didn't really want to go out in the cold, but matt went with.
blazing fireplace to warm your cold body
ever thoughtful, they give you directions not only to find, but to feed the pigs, Borage and Basil.
what they don't know, is that while they were gone, patricio stopped by our table. i thought he was on his way for a break, and decided to stop by to say hello and realized the others had actually gone out, but no. instead, and before i realized actually what he was doing, he had pulled pauls' chair out, set down his footrest, and leaned over to me. "I want to play a song for you". the next thing i know, he's playing her favorite, Tarrega's 'Recuerdos de la Alhambra'.

it was a very special moment, and i'm thrilled that i was a part of it.
course V: Dom Perignon 'Martini'
Lemon Geranium "Olive" on Rosemary Stem, 1999 Champagne Dom Perignon
(no non-alcoholic flight for this course)
am i allowed to say that i didn't care for something the Herbfarm served me? well, if not then nevermind :-) but if i am, this was probably my least favorite. call me a champagne snob, but i don't particularly like Dom. the Krug Grand or Bolly Grand Cuvee, yes. Dom, not so much.
we had another song at this point, George Gershwin's '
Someone to Watch Over Me'. this is one of my favourite songs. and by this point in the evening if (collective) we weren't enjoying ourselves before, we definitely were now.
[above: Paul being silly]
course VI: Wagyu Beef & Black Truffles
Kobe Beef of America Wagyu Tenderloin with Marrow Butter, Northwest Hoppin' John, Glazed Winter Vegetables, and Sauce Perigourdine
yes, there are 3 large slices of truffle on that dish
served with
1999 DeLille Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon, "Harrison Hill"
or, if you had had enough wine, Hibiscus, Rose Petal and Chamomile with Blueberry and Black Elderberry syrup
Carrie came around the room with a basket of noise makers, too.
[above right: chefs plating the cheese course]
course VII: Foid Gras & Cheese

Cured Duck Foie Gras Torchon, Mt. Townsend Trailhead Cheese with Quince Membrillo & Housemade Cracker

i took a picture from the top where you can see the quince a little better. and no, this time we did NOT order a separate bottle of wine for the cheese course.
Auld Lang Syne: Welcome 2010!
lead by Dame Jane Eaglen and Sung by All with Gusto at Midnight
Midnight Toast: Champagne Billecart-Salmon Brut Rose
[above left: ma taking in the moment (or was it the wine?); above right: paul and katrin; below left: matt; below right: libby]
[above: two scenes of the room; below left: neighbor table adding noise to already noisy crowd; below right: toasting in the new year]
[above left: paul and katrin's NYE kiss; above right: matt, dame eaglen,and libby. oh, and ma getting a corner piece of the action there :-) we got to speak with Dame Eaglen for about 10 minutes or so, and were invited backstage after 'Amelia', the opera she's appearing in this may; below left: our table cat joining the party; below right: table decor]
course VIII: First Sweets of Twenty-Ten
Persimmon and White Chocolate Souffle with Vanilla Cream
Douglas Fir-Yogurt ice Cream with Juniper Angelica Tuile
Dark Chocolate & Peach Ganache Torte with Peach-Creme Fraiche Mousse
Coffee, Teas & Native Infusions
[above left: paul being silly, again; above right: michael in his black coat]
A selection of Small Treats (mignardise)

Marzipan Masks, Lime Basil-Apple Pate-a-Fruits, Champagne Truffle, Gilded Milk Chocolate Star Anise, Chocolate Mint Tuxedo Cookie
served with

Vintage 1834 Barbeito Malvzia Reserva Madeira

[above left: michael portraying the "snobby sommelier"; above right: the madeira; below: katrin, paul, libby, matt, ma]
[above left: matt and ma; above middle: matt and me; above right: my christmas present, and the earrings i wore with my new dress (hey, i had to put the pic somewhere...)