and we're back at saturday, with spaghetti for lunch.
again the pork chops were tough. i didn't even try it but i watched matt struggle with his. i had the fried fish with tartar sauce.
i took pics of the food line today.
i don't remember what's in the 1st dish - maybe it was salad instead of being set up on the 'special salad cart'
spaghetti in the 2nd
sauce in the 3rd
garlic bread, rice and beans
watermelon and cookies. on all the boat dives we were offered fruit - matt said it was almost always apple or pineapple, and he think it was mango once. however the 1 i was on we were offered some pineapple, and in front of us was a try of watermelon.
for dinner there's the veg on the left, chops in the middle and the fish on the right
rice, veges and something
bread and fruit
and marble cake for dessert. still not quite sure what the icing was but the closest i can come to describing it is caramel.

today i tried that beef fajita. the aroma was fine, and the flavor of the beef wasn't bad, but i got stopped at the tortilla used. in honduras they eat tortillas like we do bread. only theirs is a corn tortilla, and are quite heavy. to me i felt like i was trying to eat cardboard. i didn't care for the taste, it was heavy and maybe a little grainy to try and describe it. oh well. i had nachos instead.
the chicken was pretty good, as was the shrimp. sadly it wasn't as good as the chicken the week before, but oh well. again pretty bland noodles.
fish fingers again! yay! and fried plantains. if you've never had them think banana, that's what they look like. but they don't taste like bananas.
the pot roast was pretty good. i mean if you cook the heck out of a piece of meat it ought to get tender, right? sadly this wasn't as tender as the pot roast your grandma makes. but of course the calamari was durn good. ice cream for dessert, too! but for some reason they chose rum-raisin flavor.
we actually had this discussion on sunday night with the 2 managers. they came upstairs and chatted while we waited for iron chef america to air. (it was the only time we watched tv on the trip but we weren't about to miss holly go battle chef cora!) we talked about how some foods just don't work in chafing dishes, as well as there are some dishes that work for some people and not for others. i love pineapple upside down cake but mitch isn't a fan, where he likes the flan but i just can't do it. and well, i admit PUDC falls into the category i'm about to mention, but there are some foods, rum raisin ice cream, coconut cream pie, key lime pie to name a few, where there are more people who don't like it than do. oh well.
this was breakfast on monday. fritters buried in powdered sugar and honey. YUM!
the drink counter, opposite the food stations. ice, coffee, tea, water and lemonade 24/7.
tomato soup again. i did try the quesadillas, but in those heavy corn tortillas it was just not happening. matt said the roast beef sandwhich was good :-). actually matt had some of the quesadillas and he said they really weren't too bad.
dinner on the cay again. the menu ought to look familiar. sadly the chicken wasn't near as tender and juicy as last week's.
here's a picture of the chimol. tomato, onions, jalepeno - at least i think that was the pepper. it might've been a different one but it was hot and green. and a few other things - cilantro was the main spice if i remember correctly. it was really good. the 1st bite's tame, but after a few you can start to feel the heat.
the desserts laid out at the BBQ
there was actually more on the table the 1st week. i'm not sure why there was so much space this time. that's the rice salad in the front and the chimol near the back of the picture
a couple of the cooks serving up chicken in front, ribs in the back.
again with the stew beef. i had salami sandwhich, tried the baked plantains which were ok but not really my thing. sweet blandness is what i'd call it. i think there's a picture of them in the near future for your perusal.
this day was another day we really didn't eat too much. the vege lasagna just really wasn't the thing, and the baked grouper was bland except for the butter it was drowned in.
chocolate pie for dessert!
ah yes, the baked plantains. as i said they were sweet, but just blah.
this sauce was on every table. not sure if we know anyone who tried it. with the food we were served it never crossed my mind to try it. maybe it would've made the baked fish taste better! next time....
the chocolate pie. yes, you can see i was eating it. it looks good, doesn't it? do you like chocolate pudding? that's really what this was. a chocolate pudding in a pie crust (which was spretty decent but not super flaky) and that dollop of whipped cream on top? it's really marshmallow fluff!
lunch on the cay again. same menu again. this time i tried the hondura tacos. nope, again it was the tortilla, not the insides that turned me off.
the ham for dinner was pretty basic. not quite as juicy or sweet as the honeybaked ham (spiral cut this was not) one gets here in the states, but it was totally edible to where you weren't near hungry later. the shrimp didn't do it for me here. aside from having to peel them (too much work for me) i just didn't care for the flavor. but the mashed potatos were pretty good! creamy, just the right texture.
the honduran tacos hot off the grill
the toppings: jalepeno peppers, chopped cabbage (!), and cheese. and you can see the cheeseburgers in the corner of the pic, too.
all dressed up and ready to eat.
i think all the soups must've been campbells, because this one looked and tasted just like it, too. i thought about taking a pic of the grilled cheese sandwich platter but i just couldn't. we all know what a grilled cheese sandwich is, right? you butter the bread, place it on griddle/in skillet butter side down, then put cheese on it and stack the bread so toasted side's out, right? these were 2 slices of bread with cheese in the middle, which had been melted in the microwave.
lobster for dinne ragain? gee darn! :-P
plantain chips
and a last pic for you from the trip. it's not sanka, it's kasinka!