Monday, April 26, 2010

4/3/2010-4/10/2010 CoCo View Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras

i thought i'd do a write up on the food at CoCo View, but instead of everyday, i'd do 2 posts, 1 for each week. of course, i thought of this on the 2nd day. lucky for me saturday's menu is pretty much the same every week.

breakfast was the same everyday.
french toast, pancakes, waffles and omelets made to order, some sort of grain/oat cereal, mango or melon slices, yogurt, scrambled eggs, toast/english muffins, and the rotating item was either crispy bacon, canadian bacon or sausage. orange juice replaced the lemonade.

we arrived for lunch on saturday. turns out spaghetti is always saturday lunch. but it keeps well as they have to be able to serve lunch until possibly as late as 3.30.  i have to say mom's spaghetti sauce is the best i've ever had (next to mine of course) and i'd say this was next in line. i was surprised it was so good.

dinner was pulled pork, steamed veges, dinner rolls, a slice of cake, and probably another protein but i don't remember which. the pork was also very good. i was a little skeptical at first, reading that it's all buffet so it's that or nothing. plus seeing how difficult it would be to go elsewhere if they served something where i needed other food.

 on sunday i got my act together and started to take pictures of the menu board. i'll give you a few tidbits as we go, and then there are a few extra pics i took in the 2nd week of actual food.

sorry, some of these i thought came out a little better than they actually did. this one however wasn't me, but the camera had fogged up for a few minutes due to the heat and humidity.

the chili had beans in it of course but it wasn't too bad. went great with the corn chips. the cheese puffs were something else. no, seriously, they were something else. they were little cornbread things.

again the chicken surprised me. it was moist and had a great flavor. the shrimp wasn't too bad either. the coconut bread was a very light bread made with coconut milk and didn't taste anything like coconut. and my favorite, upside down pineapple cake.

the fish fingers were pretty good, too!can't say much for the 2 salads.

the roast beef looked a little tough, which matt confirmed but the calamari was pretty good. it was served with chimichuri sauce. tuesday we had a chimol sauce, and this was similar only more green in color where the chimol is red.

chicken noodle soup, while i enjoy it on a cold winter day or when i'm not feeling well, this was nothing to write home about. boiled shrimp was pretty bland and the beef fajita salad. well it kind of scared me. lunch wasn't too great.

dinner was a good bit better. it was out on the cay. the chicken was very tender and tasty, and i''m told the ribs were good, but i didn't try any. 

by now i'm sure you've noticed a couple common elements all the lunch/dinners have had: beans and rice. turns out beans and rice is a staple on roatan, if not honduras itself. chimol was a spicy little salad. think picante meets a tabouli (pictured later).

again i like tomato soup, even though i'm pretty sur eit was campbell's tomato soup :-). but compared to the 'stew beef' i'll gladly slurp some campbell's tomato soup! the ham and cheese sandwhiches were pre-sliced, individual wrapped american cheese and slices of boiled ham. i tried to have a little but it was just no go.

the vege lasagna was totally forgettable. as was the steamed fish. luckily for the 2 of us there was also salad served every night with dinner. that salad saved me a couple times. the lemon merengue pie was interesting. kind of like a lemon pudding. not what you would expect in the states.

lunch is on the cay on thursdays, weather permitting. i had the cheeseburger. i have to admit it didn't taste like any cheeseburger i've ever had. matt thinks it was just (that we're beef snobs and purchase the highest quality one can) the fact that the beef wasn't quite the same quality we're used to. he's probably right. he did however try the honduran tacos (pics later).

dinner: i'm not a huge turkey fan, but we didn't know what was for dinner until after we returned from our dinner at Gio's.please see previous post for that meal.

fish soup?!? 'nuff said. chicken and rice had a good flavor but the chicken was real hard. a bit too old i think. this was the1st day i actually needed a snack before dinner. the tres leche was a cake made with 3 kinds of milk.

the steak had a great flavor but was very tough. a theme that resonated throughout almost all the meat dishes. but the lobster was great. they drowned it in butter, or rather you could if you wanted as there was a big bowl of melted gold and a ladle. while the key lime pie wasn't bad, i wouldn't have called it key lime.

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