Monday, April 26, 2010

4/21/2010 Union

on wed we met up with our friend jeff at Union. one of chef ethan stowell's restaurants. we hadn't been in a couple years and it was jeff's 1st time.

(quick shoutout to jeff, who while we were gone threw what turned out to be 1 heckuva party based on the pics i saw, and it was chef ethan and crew who catered it!)

anyway, it was seattle restaurant week. basically a whole bunch of eateries join up and offer this 3 course meal for only $25/pp.  ours was more because we had to order wine. it's meant to get people out of the house, helps the economy, helps the local businesses and farmers et al, and allows people to 'sample' restaurants they've never been to or otherwise might not afford or try. here's the link to the seattle times article:
and here's the FB page:!/SeattleRestaurantWeek?ref=ts

at Union we had 3 choices in each category; appy, entree, and dessert.


angela was there to greet us when we got to the table, and brought us out some little oysters. on top was a mix of a few things (i'd be guessing) but it had a little spice to it. i tried one, but it's not my thing, so i let the guys fight over my 2nd. (yes there were 6 initially. i had to fight them off to get a pic of the 4!

prosecco, my favorite pre-dinner bubbly.

frisee salad; bacon, soft boiled egg, and pork rillette (had by jeff and myself)

chilled pea soup; taggiasca olives, croutons (had by matt)

looks pretty good, doesn't it? it wasn't bad. i'm not huge on cold soups or on peas, but it wasn't bad.

halibut; controne beans, fava beans radish (had by jeff but tasted by all) it was *way* yummy!

potato gnocchi; pork ragu, oregano, mint. chef ethan makes the *best* gnocchi!

and we all had teh chocolate budino; creme fraiche, orange florentine( and tuille) for dessert.

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